According to the Strong's Concordance, to seek is to aim at, strive after, or crave. There are many things in our world today of which we seek.
We might seek, aim or crave a spouse, a certain income, or even becoming a parent.
"What are you seeking?" Have you ever asked yourself that question? Those things we seek can be dangerous for our spiritual health. Sometimes, we can also seek or strive after the approval or acceptance of others. So, when an individual doesn't approve or accept us, what happens to our self esteem?
Absolutely, because it was connected to the response of that individual, we struggle with believing in and loving ourselves.
There were times I would often ask myself, "Am I good enough? Am I smart enough? Why am I here? What is my purpose?" Then, one day, I was drawn to Christ! I began to seek him for truth. He began to show me myself through his eyes. He fulfilled that longing for others' acceptance and showed me why I must strive for Him and His path for my life. He has the answers, and we no longer have to seek fulfillment in others, which is temporal. We must seek the living God above all else. We are called to His purpose, to live a pure set apart life for His glory.
Be Blessed,
Copyright © 2016 by Denise Walker/Project H.O.P.E. Ministries, Inc.
Bible Verses from King James Version were found on Bible Gateway.