In a world dominated by social media, many focus attention on self-image. There are millions of photos uploaded to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter on a daily basis. Have you ever stopped to wonder beyond the moment? Have you thought about the fact that we are currently living in times very much like Noah's, a great man of God in scripture. You see, in Noah's time, the earth was full of wickedness. People did not seek God; they sought after their own desires. Sound familiar?
As I was reading in Genesis, the above scripture stood out to me as if I had never seen the words before. Noah walked with God and was perfect in his generations. I first started to think, "Wow, this was an awesome man of God; I don't know if I am able to do that." Noah walked upright in the midst of wickedness and sin all around him, yet he kept his eyes fixed on God and obeying His commandments. He was not perfect in the sense that he had never sinned.
After focusing on that scripture for a few minutes, I went to look up the word "walked" and perfect" in the Strong's Bible Dictionary. The dictionary meaning of words seem to shine a greater light on the context of what I am reading.
The Strong's Dictionary defines the word "walk" as to go toward and continue. And the word "perfect" is defined as to have integrity, truth, be without blemish, and to do it sincerely.
Again, we know that Noah was not perfect as the world defines perfect. He, like us, can only be made perfect in God alone. However, we are given a free will. Noah was a man that desired God above anything else. Notice that there was lots of wickedness in Noah's time just as we see today. However, Noah had to make the choice to walk with God and be set apart. That is what made him a just man. There had to have been something different about him in comparison to those around him. He remained before God, receiving instructions for his life.
We have the same choice today. God is still God today! He has not changed, we have. He is still speaking and moving on the hearts of men, women, boys, and girls. But it is our choice to choose true life in Him, the life that only He can give. God gave Noah many instructions and the Bible records that He did according to all that God commanded Him. This could have only been done by God's power and Noah's surrender!
Now dig deeper and apply God's word to your life. Below are my responses:
H - How does this scripture help you to know God better/more?
This scripture helps me to understand that God is here to guide us but He doesn't force anything on us. If we accept His guidance, we won't stumble because He is then leading my life, not me.
O - What were some things you observed?
1. As I read the whole chapter, I noticed that Noah was in the midst of lots of wickedness, but He chose God.
2. God established a covenant with Noah.
3. My obedience matters more than I know.
P - What was the overall purpose of this scripture?
God desires that we walk upright, and He is able to keep us even in the midst of an evil generation. The choice is ours.
E - What is some encouragement for daily living?
God is all powerful! He will take care of evil. He will sustain the righteous. God has all of the answers we need.
Now you try it!
Be blessed,
Copyright © 2019 by Denise Walker/Hope-in-Christ. Ministries, Inc.
Bible Verses from New King James Version were found on Bible Gateway.