Well, this is the very first devotional blog made available by Hope In Christ Ministries, and I want to be the first to thank you for reading it. WELCOME!!! If you are the first in your circle to experience this blog, please also be the first to share it with others! The very first at something can make all the difference in the world for the middle and the last.
Are you the first born child in your family? I was and that blessing continues to resonate in my life, throughout my life. Psychologists have revealed that the birth order among siblings can effect their personalities throughout life. Jocelyn Voo from American Baby wrote an article for PARENTS Magazine and revealed this important statement:
"The first born (child) enjoys ruling the roost, but must deal with parents' great expectations" as revealed in this entertaining video - http://www.parents.com/baby/development/social/birth-order-and-personality/
I am the first born of four daughters, and I can relate to that statement. When you are the first, you continue to be the "First" throughout your life. I am the first contributor to this blog and I pray that this article has lived up to the publisher's expectations.
Were you the first to go to college in your family? What kind of pressure was THAT?!
"Gotta pass these standardized tests"
"Gotta pay these application fees"
"Gotta decide on a major"
"Gotta get accepted to a good school"
"Gotta get a scholarship"
"Gotta ask for any more money"
"Gotta Get a job"
Let me be the first to tell you that when you are the FIRST in your family to do something, and you put your trust in God to lead you, you will experience the ultimate, glorious "GOTTA"... let me spell it out for you...
G - God
O - Orchestrated
T - those
T - times
A - Always
When you are the first to do something you can set a standard that all others will follow, so let GOD lead you FIRST! My first scripture introduction in this blog comes from the book of Psalms 119:133
"Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me." King James Version - or as revealed in my favorite New Living Translation it says "Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me." http://biblehub.com/psalms/119-133.htm
When you are traveling to a new destination, do you have your GPS navigating the way for you? What about a map? Yes, some folks still use maps, compasses and even the placement of the stars in the sky to guide them. However, when you are facing a new living situation or a new job or even a new relationship, what guides you to that FIRST destination? Have you asked the Holy Spirit to guide you? Jesus told the disciples that he would leave them a comforter to be with them, after his departure... but what about Jesus? He was the FIRST to allow God to guide him and he set that example for us all, as well!
When you are the first, there are all sorts of opinions, comments, scrutiny and challenges that go along with that status. Jesus was the first person that I had ever heard of to be crucified. People had been put to death in that manner long before Jesus died in that manner, but because of his sacrifice, I learned all about that torturous method of execution.
The Obama's were the first African American leaders to work and live in the White House, yet I bet you that there were other first families that were blessed to have African ancestral genes in their bloodline. Sometimes you are the FIRST in a situation to grow, evolve or lead your family to a better destination. You are the first to get a job that leads your family out of living in the projects. You are the FIRST with an illness that teaches you a lesson of personal care; you pass that lesson along to your children (therefore breaking the generational curses of illness). You are the first to have a grandchild for BOTH sides of the family and you are the first to submit during a life lesson, in order to receive love.
When you are the first you can cause stability in a situation. As you are driving down the road, are you the first to be a defensive driver, or are you the aggressive one? Are you the first to start an argument or the first to apologize and forgive? Are you the first in your relationship to ask for sex or are you the first to encourage abstinence and wait for marriage? Are you the first to wake in the morning and set the atmosphere of your home, giving glory to the living God? Are you the first?
My husband and I wrote our very FIRST book together and it debuts on August 1, 2017! It is entitled "In The Beginning There Was God, Me & You" the true love story that only God could have written. God gave us life through the first of his creations; Adam. Jesus redeemed us from death through the first (and the only required) sacrifice of his life and now God has given me the first true vessel in my husband, that allows me to give and receive love. When we met four years ago, my husband was not trying to get married again; he was enjoying the life of a bachelor after his divorce. I was "never" going to *submit* to another man EVER AGAIN after surviving two failed marriages. We were not the FIRST spouses for each other, but we are the FIRST married lovers and leaders in our situations that God has ordained us to be!
I want to thank Denise Walker for this opportunity to be the FIRST to contribute to this blog. I thank my Lord and Savior through the power of the Holy Spirit for giving me guidance in this writing and I thank my husband for tolerating my hot flashes! (LOL!). When you are the first daughter in a family that is having hormonal changes....
well, that is a different story!
I thank each of you that were the FIRST to purchase our book online at www.LaderoPress.com and I hope you are downloading the e-book on Smashwords as well. There will be book sales throughout Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia, and we have a few anticipated readers from Africa that are waiting to receive the book. Will you be the FIRST in your family to own your copy of the book? Have you listened to your copy of the audio book yet? Visit www.DaQueenBee.com to order your digital download. Angie BEE Productions specializes in producing audio books for authors, and our audio book project was SO MUCH FUN to produce for each of you. We can't wait for you to hear it!
Be the first to invite Bartee and I to speak at your marriage conference or singles' retreat and we hope to see at the next book festival. As we continue to travel with The TOUR that Angie BEE Presents we are lead by God to bring concerts, workshops, book signings and the love of the Lord through His preached word to communities and families everywhere.
When you are the first to travel down a road, your footsteps can leave a path for another to follow. I pray that this reading opens your eyes to possibilities of achieving the life that God desires for you; and sets your ears to hear from God. Share this article, share this word, stay in touch and BEE Blessed!
Written by "Da Queen Bee" Evangelist Angie BEE Author, Producer, Promoter and Servant of the Lord APPS
Call us today at 407-914-6519
Audio Book Production Specialists "Bringing Your Words To Their Ears" http://daqueenbee.com/services.html
2012 Female Radio Show Host of the Year
Recognized by the global One Accord DJ Alliance http://oneaccorddjs.com/
2014 Ordained as an Evangelist by
Fellowship Church of Praise of Volusia County http://www.fellowshipchurchofpraise.org/
2015 recipient of the Outstanding Ministry Leader Award for our Moms-n-Ministry Workshop <https://www.facebook.com/MomsNministry/?fref=ts
Presented by the Professional Women of Excellence, Inc.
2016 recipient of the prestigious "Palm Tree (Endurance) Award" Presented by *Mary & Martha Ministries, Orlando http://maryandmartha.weebly.com/
April 2017 recognized as an Amazon #1 Best selling author by Melanie Bonita Enterprises for contributing to the book Daily Dose of Direction for Women In Business
Author, Media Producer, Promoter & Motivational Speaker *View our past events, commercials, VIDEO NEWS segments * *and TV show episodes at http://www.youtube.com/AngieBEEpresents
Purchase your Kindle copies of my books:
"Last Week... I Wanted To Die"
"Evolution of Da Queen Bee
"In The Beginning There Was God, Me & You"
Visit us online today at www.Facebook.com/DaQueenBeeEvangelistAngieBEE
Follow Evangelist Angie BEE:
www.ooVoo.com - account Angie BEE [email protected]
Learn about The TOUR online at www.Facebook.com/TheTOURthatAngieBEEpresents
Then I heard the Lord asking,
"Whom should I send as a messenger to this people?
Who will go for us?" I said, "Here I am. Send me." - Isaiah 6:8
BEE Blessed!