Romans 13:14 - But put on (sink into, array, clothe one's self) the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh (carnel, human nature apart from divine influence) to fulfill its lusts.
Gal. 5:1 - Stand fast (persist, persevere) therefore in the liberty (freedom) by which Christ has made us free and do not be entangled again (anew) with a yoke (burden) of bondage (slavery).
As women, many of us love to go shopping, dress up, and look beautiful! Have you ever thought about your spiritual attire? We spend so much time being concerned with the things of this world and our outward appearance. As I was studying the above scriptures, I started to make this analogy and ask myself the following question: "Am I adorned with Christ?"
You see we now live in a time where there is great compromise and holiness is not at the top of many agendas. However, the word of God instructs us that we must participate in our walk with Christ. We must live holy, set apart lives. This should be at the top of our daily agenda.
We hear so much false doctrine and many people are not reading the Word of God for themselves. Therefore, there is confusing and deception on every hand. God knew that these times would come, and He reminds us in His word to stand fast or persist in the liberty of our freedom in Christ. If sin is a yoke, how can we walk in it and the freedom of Christ all at the same time? We can't!
Also, don't be entangled again or anew causes us to better understand that sin is a type of slavery of which we should not return. Our lives are renewed in Christ!
The only way that we can truly be overcomers and walk out the above scriptures is by falling in love with Jesus and adorning ourselves with Him. He must be our top priority! The phrase stand fast denotes fighting through or for something. Therefore, this is a daily process. Outside of Christ, we are weak! As we walk with Him, He gives us power to overcome!
So today and everyday let us walk in liberty and be hidden in Christ, our hope! Let us be adorned with His beauty, grace, and holiness! Besides, this is true definition of beauty!
Enjoy this worship song:
Be Blessed,
Copyright © 2016 by Denise Walker/Project H.O.P.E. Ministries, Inc.
Bible Verses from New King James Version were found on Bible Gateway.