Truth be told, we are so caught up in religion, we forget the relationship. So when tough times hit, we are unprepared and caught off guard. We are drowning in doubt and walk around as if we have no hope. I want to remind you that your hope should be in God. Having your hope in God is provided by a sure solid foundation. A foundation that is constantly being built upon as you grow in Christ. I want to share with you how you can always remember your first love which is God.
1) Establish Relationship with Him. Just like you get to know people in the natural, it is the same thing with our Heavenly Father. We must recognize that we need a true relationship with God to live a successful life. Spend time with Him every day. Make it your mission to hear from Him and let Him hear from you. Start with 10 mins a day. Read a scripture, pray and spend a few minutes just worshipping God.
2) Include Him in your everyday life. Most times when it comes to including God in our life, we only include Him when we need a miracle. In order to get the most out of your life, include the Creator, your God in every aspect of your life. Include Him in your route to work, your relationships, the decisions you need to make and how to raise your children. God loves when we remember Him in all things, it shows Him that you value Him in your life.
3) Stay Humble. Never get to a place that you believe you have arrived. Always give glory and honor to God. He is the reason why you are where you are. Never allow your ego, your possessions and people around you to cause you to forget God.
4) Accept His Word. Recently, the word “acceptance” was ringing in my spirit. So I began to look up the definition and one definition said “action of consenting to receive”. Now I love this definition because sometimes we read God’s word, but we don’t fully accept it. We quote the word, but we don’t necessarily believe it can happen for us. When we learn to accept the word of God, we activate our faith, which pleases God. A lot of your desired answers to prayers are not happening because you haven’t accepted His word. You don’t believe Him. You don’t believe what His word says about you. When you want to remember the Lord, you have to trust Him.
Remembering your first love means allowing Him to be your Lord. The word says in Psalms 23:1, “The Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want”. This is an indication that when we allow God to lead us and guide us, He provides for all that we need. So, don’t get caught up in chasing things that you forget Him. Remember your first love because in Him you have everything.
Grab a copy of Shanita's books below:
30 Days of Power Devotionals:
The Power of You: