According to Romans 8:7, our flesh is at war with God. Our flesh wants to sleep when we should rise to spend time with the Lord. Our flesh wants to stay up and watch a T.V. show when we need our rest to be refreshed to do God's work. There are many other examples that we can think of regarding our flesh. Therefore, we must die to our flesh on a daily basis and walk in the Spirit. How do we walk in the Spirit? Our spirits have to be fed through God's Word. As we grow spiritually, we can walk by the strengthen of the Holy Spirit. This can only take place through our quiet time with God; reading His Word and hearing from Him daily. His Word gives us Life!!! Receive life today! Open His Word! Be Blessed! #hope-in-Christ
My quiet time with God has become the most important part of my day. I have been saved for many years now, but I got away from spending time in prayer and reading God's Word. I didn't realize that I had gotten so distracted with the things around me. Work was one of the main things that got me off track. As a teacher, my job can become overwhelming at times. I had to be reminded that nothing can come before my Savior. I must continue to walk with Him and seek Him day by day.
With that being said, God had to become my priority. With the advice of my pastor, I started to get up earlier in the morning. I find that as I get up earlier for prayer and study that my day goes smoother. Quiet time with God is not an option for a believer. It is what we need because He is what we need to continue this walk of faith. Today, find a quiet spot and begin to seek God. Tell Him what is on your heart, read what ever scripture that comes to mind, and listen for His instructions. Be Blessed! #hope-in-Christ The dictionary defines the word pant in the following way: "to long with breathless or intense-eagerness; to yearn. In Psalms 42:1, the writer describes their longing for God in this manner. This description helps us to realize that God is our only source. He provides us with resources in this life, but He is our source. Only He can give us all that we need. So let us yearn for our heavenly Father in such a way that it causes us to chase after Him and seek His face for every area of our lives.
Be Blessed! #hope-in-Christ Copyright © 2016 by Denise Walker/Project H.O.P.E. Ministries, Inc. Bible Verses from New American Standard Version were found on Bible Gateway. God's love is inconceivable! Many times we respond to God based on the way that people have treated us. Then God begins to show us that His love is unconditional. No matter how we respond to Him, He is faithful and never leaves our side. God reaches out to us in the midst of our troubles and carries us through our pain. There is no greater love in heaven or on earth. So today, let us rest in His love knowing that it never fails and with God's love we can withstand any test and any trial.
Be Blessed, #hope-in-Christ Copyright © 2016 by Denise Walker/Project H.O.P.E. Ministries, Inc. Bible Verses from New Living Translation were found on Bible Gateway. Have you ever stopped to listen to God speak? In a world of chaos and confusion, it may be difficult to hear the LORD. However, as Christians, it is imperative that we spend time talking to God and hearing from Him. We will never know His will, His way, or precious His love if we never spend time building that most important relationship.
This past week I was struggling in an area of my health and God begin to speak to me. I first went into my prayer room to spend sometime with the LORD and to read His word. In all honesty, I was very nervous about my health, so I begin to read scriptures on healing and faith. I begin to pray and ask God to help me to trust Him and not try to understand things with my finite mind. God first begin to speak to me through His word. He reminded me that He knows the plans that He has for me; plans to prosper me and not to harm me (Jer. 29:11). He then reminded me that weapons may form but they won't prosper against my life (Isa. 54:17). I finally begin to feel His peace and love and I could continue on with that day. As I was headed to grab me a bite to eat, I noticed a "Red Bird" as it flew across my windshield. Then once I got to the restaurant, I saw two more "Red Birds." I began to smile because I knew that only God would know that I understood the significance of the "Red Bird." You see, a few years back I was taking a Bible class. The teacher of this class was a female minister. The class was supposed to be about Biblical Leadership, but I would have titled it, "Faith." One day, the instructor came in and begin to tell us her "Red Bird" testimony. She stated, "Every time I needed to know that God was with me, I asked Him to send His Red Bird." She went on to explain that her faith, relationship and love for God increased so much because every time she prayed God would send a "Red Bird" so that she could see it at the very moment that she needed to. So as I thought about the minister's testimony, my encounter with the three red birds made me smile! I knew that God was speaking to me. I knew that He wanted me to have faith and trust that He would see me through anything. I knew that He was with me and that His love flows deeper than any river! I know that my life belongs to Him and that He would always take care of me and that He cares about our deepest concerns, even the ones that we don't speak. I admonish you today to spend time with our heavenly Father. Listen for His voice! Know that He is speaking in many different ways, we only need to listen!! Be Blessed! #hope-in-Christ Copyright © 2016 by Denise Walker/Project H.O.P.E. Ministries, Inc. Bible Verses from New King James Version were found on Bible Gateway. This is a very powerful scripture! Today we find ourselves in a society that is void of love. Society is void of love because society is void of the giver and producer of love, God himself. There are many religions and other practices. But love can only be found in the source, the creator of Heaven and Earth! Christ is not a religion; He is creator and Lord! So today, I urge you to seek the face of the true and living God. He is our provision. He is our source. He and only He can show us what true love is and then teach us how to love others!
Be blessed! #hope-in-Christ Copyright © 2016 by Denise Walker/Project H.O.P.E. Ministries, Inc. Bible Verses from New King James Version were found on Bible Gateway. In my Christian walk, I have heard so many people misquote the above scripture. I have listened to people try to manipulate others in pursuit of money. As I was reading this scripture, I thought about the word motive. Motive is why we do things. Why we do things is often times more important that what we do. The why has to do with our hearts, and this is what God searches. So let us not seek riches, but seek God alone! When we seek God, He will provide us with what we need. Joy and peace will be attached to what He gives to us. Pursue His will and His kingdom and He will add everything else to you (Matt. 6:33).
#hope-in-Christ Copyright © 2016 by Denise Walker/Project H.O.P.E. Ministries, Inc. Bible Verses from New American Standard Version were found on Bible Gateway. Loving God is the number one commandment! I often wonder about the world around us today. I see so much evil that the Word of God predicted would take place. All of this is due to the lack of love and reverence for God today. You see, when we truly love God, then and only then can we love and have regard for others. God teaches us how to love because He is love! We don't have the capacity within ourselves to truly love anyone or anything. Today, let us pray for hearts to return to the true and living God! Let us pray for individuals to flee from evil and allow God to restore their souls and cleanse their hearts. Today let us fall in love with Jesus! For this is the will of the Father!! He loves us and desires us to seek and find Him as we search for Him with all of our hearts!!!
#hope-in-Christ Copyright © 2016 by Denise Walker/Project H.O.P.E. Ministries, Inc. Bible Verses from New King James Version were found on Bible Gateway. |
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