2 Cor. 12:9 - And He said, “My grace (unearned, unmerited favor, a favor done without expectation of return; the absolutely free expression of the loving kindness of God to men, The application of Christ's righteousness to the sinner, pardon) is sufficient (enough) for you, for My strength (power, ability) is made perfect (made complete, accomplished, finished) in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities (feebleness of mind or body, disease, sickness, weakness), that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Have you ever prayed for God to remove sickness from your life? Ever wondered about your past? abuse? Mistreatment? Rejection? In 2 Corinthians Apostle Paul describes a struggle that he continued to pray for God to remove but it remained with him. He goes on to explain how God helped him to understand that His grace was enough for Him. When he was weak, then he could depend and rely on God's power to see him through. Like Apostle Paul, most of my life I have experienced many struggles, disappointments, and pain. I was told that the enemy has tried to attack my life from the time I was 3 days old. At 3 days old, I was rushed into emergency surgery on my stomach. I couldn't keep anything down. I was told that I almost died. As I got older, I experienced so many other attacks on my life! Then one day I was introduced to the “Alpha and Omega” the “King of Kings” and Lord of Lords.“ I was downtrodden, depressed, and disappointed and He changed my life! He drew me by His great power! After that great encounter, I still experienced struggles but I was now walking with the one who could fix it all. He could mend my brokenness. He could make it all work together for good. He could make it all make sense and He did! Some of it was Him working in me. Some of it was indeed spiritual attacks. The Lord rewarded me with His grace and He has continued to walk with me, to hold me in is arms, and break the chains of bondage. Just recently I wondered if I was still walking with Him. I felt so far away. I was even in church and feeling so disconnected and alone. He begin to draw me near and call me deeper. Deeper into prayer, deeper into His Word. A deeper walk. He called me to start Hope-in-Christ Ministries. He encouraged me through every blog post, through every book we read in the book club, and every time I would go out to mentor the youth. As soon as I was moving forward and He was opening so many doors, I was told that I had to have surgery. I had already experienced adult onset of asthma, diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and now a surgery that was directly related to that major surgery when I was 3 days old. I was struggling with fear and questions of why, but He was showing me that His grace was enough for me. He was showing me that all I need is found in Him. He was showing me that before I could minister hope to others I had to know and understand that hope for myself. And so by His grace, I have! I drew closer. I begin to cry out and He is healing, delivering, and transforming my life day by day. Even after more than 12 years of walking with Him, He is still growing, shaping, and molding me into His image. I now feel like I'm living a newness of life in Him. The ministry that He has given is growing and He is showing me who He has designed me to be. Much was birthed out of my pain! What is He showing you through your struggles? Know that His plan for your life is very good and He will be with you through it all! Enjoy this worship song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN2Y99GBYDE Be Blessed, Hope-in-Christ Copyright © 2016 by Denise Walker/Hope-in-Christ Ministries, Inc. Bible Verses from New King James Version were found on Bible Gateway. Scripture: “Then Moses answered (The LORD) and said, “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The LORD has not appeared to you.’ ” So the LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A rod.” -Exodus 4:1-2 NKJV
Have you ever wondered, "How is God going to use me? Do I really have a purpose?” Well, just like Moses in Exodus, God wants to use us for His glory!! My book club, Hope-in-Christ, is currently reading a phenomenal book, “I Reign: A Survivor's Guide to Thrive” by Minister Annie Bell. In her book, she provides practical application for surviving childhood abuse. One of the scriptures that she quotes is Exodus 4:1-2. After reading this section of her book, God has continued to cause the words, “What's in your hand?” to reverberate in my mind ! I have read the book of Exodus many times, but never has those words stood out to me until now. You see, God is currently birthing His ministry through me. For many years, I walked in fear and self-doubt. I listened to the voice of the enemy telling me that I wasn't good enough. But for the past few months God has begun to speak to me, “I have called you to do my will! I have loved you with an everlasting love. All that is needed is already in you! I have already equipped you to walk out my purpose for your life!” He then begin to show me the ministries and what is already in my hand in order to perform those duties. For example, he led me to start writing devotionals, and proofreading and editing, all of which fall under my training from years of teaching English Language Arts. I never would have thought that God would have chosen me for those tasks, but He did and and they are things that I absolutely LOVE!! So the next time you are weary and questioning if you are really called and equipped to walk out God's purpose, remember how he used Moses. Moses, like us, made many excuses, but God used him mightily! He wants to do the same with us! You are already equipped! What's in your hand? #hope-in-Christ |
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