“Jesus answered and said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” - John 4:13-14 NASB
In our world today, many are eating healthier, drinking healthy drinks, and getting plenty exercise. In addition, we are receiving good reports from our physicians. These are all great things! However, this is only the physical health that is making great strides. Have you checked your spiritual health status? Has the Father given you a good report? Our spiritual health is often neglected. But….. The Bible says the following: “present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice" (Romans 12:1) "be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Romans 12:2) These scriptures are referring to our spiritual health. There are many more like these found in God's Word. Scripture goes on to describe individuals as spiritually dead. What a powerful description! Dead! So in essence, many of us may be walking around physically the picture of health, but spiritually dead. I believe that this is a deception from the enemy. Now, please don't misunderstand me. Being physically healthy is something that we must maintain. I have to watch my weight and what I eat due to Type II Diabetes. But, to ignore our spiritual state is futile. It makes no sense! The Word of God tells us that we are soul, spirit, and body. So why only care for our flesh? We need spiritual healing. Our spiritual healing is only found in Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can heal and set us free. In the scripture above, Jesus was offering spiritual healing to the woman at the well in Samaria. He helped her to understand that he was not talking to her about natural water but spiritual cleansing. He stated, "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” I love this scripture because it shows that Jesus fulfills us. All that we need is found in Him. Also, Jesus, being God in the flesh, cared so much about this young woman's spiritual health that He wasn't concerned with the people and their customary ways. He loved her and wanted to make her whole in Him. Like the Samaritan woman, Jesus loves us more than we will ever be able to comprehend. In another scripture, Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me." (Rev. 3:20) This scripture indicates that Jesus is seeking us and offering the invitation of complete healing and soul restoration, but we have to accept the invitation. All we have to do is accept, surrender and He will do the rest. His love is unsearchable. His love is everlasting. It won't fail you as people may have. As He has done for me, He will do for you! Let Him in! Open your heart! Don't be deceived by the enemy. The enemy wants you to stay where you are. He may have you believing that you have no sin, but why would we need Jesus if that was the case. Once you have encountered Jesus nothing else is needed. He is our resting place. He is our healer! Allow Him to heal you today and walk in newness of life. Be Blessed, Hope-in-Christ Ephesians 6:10-11 - Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
Are you equipped for war? This is a very profound question because we are definitely in a war. We are not in a natural war, but a spiritual war. This spiritual war is very serious. For it is a war for our souls! In the book of Ephesians, Apostle Paul instructed the believers to put on the full armor of God. So what then is armor? First and foremost, the dictionary defines armor as any covering worn as a defense against weapons. Ephesians chapter 6 declares the following as the armor of God:
To sum this up, the full armor is found only in relationship with Christ. We only have to stay covered in Him. His power does the work. Also, when I looked more closely at the cross references to this scripture, I was blessed to find scriptures of how putting on the armor of God really looks:
Therefore, we can only be strong in the power of the Lord Jesus. We can't defeat the enemy on our own. Christ name alone causes demons to tremble. So a true relationship with Christ is a must! Walking with Christ is not to be taken lightly! He sees and knows far more than we could ever know. He is the one that causes us to see and overcome! We can only stand in Him! So I ask you again, are you equipped for war? If not, the enemy will overtake you! Put on God's armor and no devil in Hell or on earth can defeat you! Take refuge in Him. Allow Him to do the work! He's mighty! Be Blessed, Hope-in-Christ www.hope-in-christ.com Copyright © 2016 by Denise Walker/Hope-in-Christ Ministries, Inc. Bible Verses from New King James Version were found on Bible Gateway. Have you ever read the Bible from beginning to end? Have you completed a devotional or topical study? There are millions of resources out today to study the Word of God. Why then are so many spiritually empty? God's Word instructs us to, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). There are many ways to study God's Word and I don't believe God has a specific preference as long as it does not take away from His true meaning. I believe that He just wants us to dig in, to learn His Word for ourselves. The truth of God is so evident all around us but we will only know how to live and walk in relationship with Him through His Word and through prayer. These two go hand-in-hand. One way to study the word is to use the Inductive method. I tried it and I love it because it digs deeper into God's Word and I am an analysis girl! I also love this method because it is not someone's personal commentary. It allows us to understand God's Word in context. I have heard so many ministers and teachers misinterpret and take scripture out of context! We are still responsible for God's Word for ourselves. This method is great in that regard. Here is an example using Ephesians 1 (NASB). First I read through the entire chapter and answered the questions above. These basic questions are not so basic because they cause us to think about what we have read from God's Word. Apostle Paul was writing to the believers at Ephesus. He was explaining to them that they were chosen by God and Christ had already done the work! He prayed that they would gain greater wisdom and knowledge in the truth about Christ. I then begin to look at the key words and the various parts of speech. This was very eye opening because I have read the Bible numerous times but I never really zoned in on the different parts of speech. They teach you many things all by themselves. The pronouns used in Ephesians 1 showed that there was some connections and ownership. The relationship was that they were all believers in Christ. The ownership was that salvation belonged to them. They received Him. One pronoun that stood out was (Himself). This pronoun spoke of God and that He had done the work through Christ for them. Nothing else was needed. It was a gift. Finally, there were some adjectives that emphasized Christ. Like, All things are subject to Him and Apostle Paul praying for the kind of Spirit He wanted God to give them, spirit of wisdom and revelation. These words are very important because then they would truly have a deeper understanding of what God had done for them. Other parts of speech that stood out in chapter 1 of Ephesians were the prepositions and verbs. There were even more prepositions than these. The ones that stood out to me were the descriptions of God's plan of redemption (before the foundation of the world, through Jesus Christ, through His blood, from God). Some verbs that stood out were (predestined, enlightened, raised, seated, obtained). These terms help me to understand even more that God is all knowing. He knew what would be needed to set us free. He loves us more than we will ever know. The next step in the inductive method is interpretation. This is one of the most critical parts. I went through and wrote the main idea for what I believe are the different sections of Ephesians chapter one. Overall, I believe that the main focus was that the saints would understand and grow in the wisdom of Christ. The final step in the Inductive method is Application. The application step is simply how does this apply to my life? What is the Biblical principle?
I believe the Biblical principle of Ephesians 1 is "There is none higher than Christ." We were sealed as we placed our trust in Him and allow Him to transform our lives. Nothing else is needed! He is our redeemer and this was God's doing, not man's. Don't Doubt, Trust Him! #Hope-in-Christ |
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