Hebrews 1:1-2 - God (Supreme Divinity), who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed (ordained, set) heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds;
Hebrews 1:3 - who being the brightness of His (God's) glory and the express image (exact expression, marked likeness, exact copy, facsimile) of His person, and upholding (bearing, carrying) all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down (to confer a kingdom of one, to settle) at the right hand (place of honor and authority) of the Majesty (greatness, divinity) on high,
Have you have ever tried to understand the triune nature of God? This is something that our finite minds can't completely grasp! However, we can truly say that Christ is because He has made Himself real in the lives of those of us that walk with Him! He is a wonder, a great and mighty God!
This devotional is the second in the series of "The Affirming Truth of Christ." In the first post, we reviewed how Apostle John identifies Christ as the Word (Logos). The scripture focus today comes from the book of Hebrews. It describes Christ as the express image of His (God's) person. One of the words used in Strong's is facsimile. When I first saw this term, I automatically thought about a fax machine. I then looked it up on dictionary.com and it stated, "An exact copy." You see when an individual sends a fax it is the image of the original. Therefore, it further confirms Christ and God as one. What a great mystery to me! This is so amazing to read! When someone questions the deity of Christ, we can take them to this particular scripture. It also identifies His power! No one has the power to purge sins except He be God! Can you? Can I? We know that the answer to both questions is no!
In addition, the above text continues to reveal that God communicates with us. Therefore, we can confidently tell those that don't believe to ask Him to reveal Himself to them and He will. He wants all to know Him. They don't have to look any further!
Now dig a little deeper:
H - How do these scriptures help us to better understand God?
These scriptures help us to understand the love that God has for us. He had a plan before He even created the universe.
O - What are some other observations?
1. Only Christ can cleanse us of our sins by His great power and authority.
2. We can know Christ for ourselves.
P - What is the purpose of these recorded scriptures?
They identify Christ as the only truth and the only way to the Father because the world has many religions and beliefs.
E - What encouragement can we take from this?
1. There is security in Christ.
2. Provision has already been made; we just need to surrender our lives to Him.
Be Blessed,
Copyright © 2016 by Denise Walker/Project H.O.P.E. Ministries, Inc.
Bible Verses from New King James Version were found on Bible Gateway.