There are many beliefs in our world today. Many have turned from the true and living God and have begun to trust in myths, false religions, or have no beliefs at all. Therefore, now more than ever it is very critical for us to know in our hearts what we truly believe. The truth only comes from God the creator of our very souls. His word is written by those who witnessed and believed in Him. The above scripture was recorded by Apostle John. His goal was for others to know that Christ is the One that is and is to come. I wrote a belief statement based on the word of God and I encourage you all to do the same today. Please enjoy:
I Believe
"I believe that there is only one God, King, and LORD, Jesus Christ! I believe that I am created in His image and His likeness. I believe that His word is the only truth and without error of which I live by since the day He transformed my life. I walk in relationship with Him. I believe that He is my Creator and LORD of my life! I stand on His truth because I believe that truth originates from Him. I believe that He spoke through prophets and teachers and left His Word for me to know Him and keep His way. I believe in eternal life only through Christ Jesus. I believe that I must seek Him all the days of my life. He is love! He is my life! I believe!"
Copyright © 2016 by Denise Walker/Project H.O.P.E. Ministries, Inc.
Bible Verses from English Standard Version were found on Bible Gateway.